Our services
ULA has been working in the Ukrainian market for over 20 years.
Our experience in adjustment of large and complicated losses in a variety of areas of business will help you settle any claim or loss.
Loss Adjustment Services

Service description
Service description
We adjust losses within the following types of insurance:
- Property insurance;
- Liability insurance;
- Builder's risks insurance;
- Business interruption (BI) insurance;
- Cargo insurance;
- Plant and equipment failure insurance.
Objects of insurance:
- industrial, storage, retail, entertainment, sports complexes;
- office buildings;
- stores, restaurants, hotels;
- ports, terminals, stations.
Loss adjustment:
- analysis of documents and comparison of results obtained with the survey inspection results;
- assessment of the amount of financial damage/loss that occurred as a consequence of an insured event;
- determination of an amount of indemnity for damage done to the third parties;
- determination of the Insurer’s liability under an insurance contract, assessment of loss subject to indemnity under the terms of an insurance contract;
- technical and financial assessment of documents and evidence related to an insured event;
- investigation of circumstances and identification of reasons for an occurrence of an insured event;
- establishment of the fact of occurrence of liability for damage done to third parties;
- arrangement of specialist reports.
Property Loss Adjustment

Service description
Service description
We carry out adjustment of losses connected with the insurance of various kinds of property, in particular:
- real estate (buildings and constructions, including finishings and utility systems);
- construction and installation sites, as well as construction machinery and construction site equipment;
- plant, machines and mechanisms.
We carry out:
- site visits to the place of events;
- collection of initial information;
- photographic and aerial photographic survey;
- compilation of lists of documents necessary for loss adjustment and calculation of the amount of insurance indemnity;
- negotiations with the insured concerning a loss;
- arrangement of specialist reports or surveys, namely the engagement of construction, fire and other specialist opinions (as required);
- analysis of documents and the comparison of results obtained from survey inspection results;
- technical and financial assessment of documents and evidence related to an insured event;
- investigation of circumstances and identification of reasons for the occurrence of an insured event;
- determination of the insurer’s liability under an insurance contract;
- assessment of the amount of loss subject to indemnity under the terms and conditions of an insurance contract.
Adjustment of Losses Connected with Damage to Goods-in-Trade

Service description
Service description
We carry out:
- site visits to the place of events;
- collection of initial information;
- compilation of lists of documents necessary for loss adjustment and calculation of the amount of insurance indemnity;
- negotiations with the insured concerning a loss;
- arrangement of specialist reports, engagement of laboratories reports to identify the nature of damage (as required);
- recounting/separation of damaged commodities and materials;
- analysis of documents and comparison of results obtained with the survey inspection results;
- technical and financial examination of documents and evidence related to an insured event;
- investigation of circumstances and determination of reasons for an insured event;
- determination of the insurer’s liability under an insurance contract;
- assessment of an amount of loss subject to indemnity under the terms and conditions of an insurance contract.
Adjustment of Losses Connected with Business Interruption (BI)

Service description
Service description
We carry out adjustment of losses connected with business interruption in a variety of branches of the economy:
- metallurgy;
- power industry, including alternative energy industry;
- chemical industry;
- machine-building;
- food industry;
- retail and other areas of business.
We carry out:
- site visits to the place of events;
- collection of initial information;
- compilation of lists of documents necessary to calculate the amount of insurance indemnity for BI;
- auditor’s work at an office of the insured;
- collection and analysis of necessary accounting and financial documents;
- check the amount of BI loss.
Cargo Survey Services

Service description
We investigate the circumstances of carriage of various cargoes (perishable goods, fast moving consumer goods, road vehicles, equipment) by the most widespread kinds of transport (road, railway, airborne, marine), as well as multi-modal carriage in combined transportation channels.
- establishment of the condition of damaged property, identification of reason for, nature and amount of damage;
- confirmation/recording of the fact of damage/loss of property, establishment of the fact of damage done to third parties;
- investigation of circumstances of damage or loss of property;
- collection of documents and evidence related to occurrence of damage.
Within the framework of loss adjustment /claims settlement connected with cargo carriage, we carry out:
1. Site visits to the place of events/unloading site;
2. Investigation of circumstances of damage or loss of various cargoes (perishable goods, fast moving consumer goods, road vehicles, equipment) carried by the most widespread kinds of transport (road, railway, airborne, marine), as well as multi-modal carriage in combined transportation channels;
3. Determination of cause of the insured event;
4. Cargo quantity survey:
- recounting of cargo (before/during loading/transfer/unloading, upon unloading);
- cargo/colli weight control.
5. Cargo quality survey:
- cargo quality control at loading, transfer and unloading;
- package quality control and control of fastening of cargo inside a body of a vehicle.
6. Determination of the nature of damage and amount of loss;
7. Confirmation/recoding of the fact of damage/loss of cargo;
8. Collection of documents and evidence related to occurrence of damage.
Marine Survey Services

Service description
We employ a network of marine offices of Sedgwick Group all over the world, which enables us to inspect cargo and damaged ships all over the world.
We render marine survey services for the following types of property:
- real estate (buildings, constructions at ports, silos, construction sites etc.);
- plant and equipment (hoisting machines, machine tools, industrial equipment, production lines);
- goods in stock, raw materials at a port;
- cargoes;
- vessels.
Any inspection ends with the issuance of relevant reports in Ukrainian, Russian, or English.
Pre-Insurance (Pre-Risk) Survey

Service description
We carry out:
- site visits to the place of surveys;
- photographing of a site, buildings/constructions, equipment, goods in stock, security and fire safety systems etc.;
- aerial photographic survey of a facility;
- collection of information at an inspection site;
- compilation of lists of documents necessary to prepare a report;
- analysis of documents and comparison of the results obtained with the survey inspection results;
- technical and financial examination of documents and evidence;
- risk analysis based on the results of survey and document examination;
- issuing recommendations for the minimisation of possible risks.
Expert Valuation

Service description
Based on the Valuer’s Certificate No. 14500/13 dated 28 March 2013 issued by the State Property Fund of Ukraine, ULA has the right to carry out expert valuations, namely:
- valuation of real estate, including expert appraisal of land plots and title to them;
- valuation of plant and equipment;
- valuation of personal property, except those classified as plant, equipment, wheeled vehicles, aircraft, maritime transport and items of cultural value.
Real estate refers to constructions, buildings, stores, apartments, houses, offices, restaurants, coffee shops, shopping malls, warehouses, plant buildings, construction sites etc.
Machine tools, industrial equipment, production lines and other facilities.
Valuation of personal property
This type of valuation includes: office equipment, furniture, household items, goods of retail and wholesale companies, raw materials, livestock, goods in stock classified as personal property and other items.
Assessment of financial damage
Assessment of damage is the determination of the cost of repairs for the reproduction or replacement of property that suffered as a result of flooding, fire or vandalism.
Independent assessment of damage is used by both the party affected and the party at fault for solving issues related to the indemnification of damage of property.
Direct loss is the current cost of reproduction, replacement or indemnification of market value of a subject of valuation without account of lost future benefits (National Standard 1 “General Provisions for Valuation of Property and Property Interests” approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1440 dated 10.9.2003).